Help me keep track of the time I spend writing, with meetings, and with Graphics.

Subject: Help me keep track of the time I spend writing, with meetings, and with Graphics.
From: SB <sylvia -dot- braunstein -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 13:08:32 +0200

Is there a Windows application that can help me keep track of hours, dates,
and time I spend writing (MS Word 2003) and using Photoshop, Visio, etc.
without having to detail everything manually?

I want to keep track of how many hours I am working and when. So, at the end
of it all, I want to be able to look at a bunch of data (including when I
start and when I stopped) and see that I worked for 35 hours on chapter 1,
mostly between 11 pm and 2 am, or that the entire project took me 700 hours
of writing.

Ideally it would be some kind of small widget where you just press "start"
and "stop" every time you work, or something that detects automatically that
you did. The problem is, what do you do with open documents that are left in
the background that are on hold or that you use as a reference?

I think that such an application might also be useful to track what the
progress of other Tech Writers.

Desired qualities:

1. Free (ideally)
2. Widows compatible
3. Has a widget interface of some kind (not essential)
4. Keeps track of the amount of time AND the time of day and dates
5. Data is downloadable into csv format
6. Web app is OK but must be able to record time while I'm not connected to
the internet (and then upload later).

Does such a thing exist?

Thanks to all,


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