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Subject:Re: IE7 and No Context-Sensitive Help From:Rick Stone <rstone75 -at- kc -dot- rr -dot- com> To:"McLauchlan, Kevin" <Kevin -dot- McLauchlan -at- safenet-inc -dot- com> Date:Fri, 03 Apr 2009 09:53:48 -0500
Hi Kevin
I'm not sure if your WebHelp is of the RoboHelp variety or not. If so,
you are probably going to be keenly interested in RoboHelp 8.
RoboHelp 8 has AIR output built into it. With this output you create an
AIR package of your WebHelp. It exists as a single file. The end user
installs it just like they do the application. When you create things
you specify a location to be monitored. When you update the help, you
push it to this location. The end user opens the help and it checks
internally to see if an update is available. If it is, the end user is
prompted to download the latest.
Cheers... Rick :)
McLauchlan, Kevin wrote:
> Keith Hansen inquired:
>> A long time ago, I experienced problems opening CS Help in IE7. The
>> problem was addressed on this site:
>> Here's what the site said:
>> "Known Issues Concerning Internet Explorer 7.0
>> No Context-Sensitive Help
>> Symptoms: Calling context-sensitive help in WebWorks Help 5.0 output
>> opens only the first page of the helpset (e.g., index.html) instead of
>> launching the requested topic page.
>> Cause: IE7 removes the "query string" from URLs calling
>> documents on the
>> local file system. So, when you pass a reference like
>> 'index.html?context=Group1&topic=MyTopic', the browser only sees
>> 'index.html.' This does not affect server-based helpsets."
>> In other words, when you passed the reference, IE7 was
>> stripping part of
>> the path out...
>> QUESTION: Was this IE7 issue ever resolved? Anyone else encounter it?
>> How did you deal with it?
> No help from me, just additional questions:
> We are toying with the idea of making our stand-alone WebHelp context
> sensitive, and this problem that Keith mentions would be a "big deal" if
> it's still the case. So I, too, am interested in the answer.
> Also, can somebody enlighten me on what (if anything) needs to be done
> differently for WebHelp that is intended to be served, versus WebHelp
> intended to be directly viewed from the local file-system?
> Specifically, I'm thinking of two possible scenarios:
> 1) where we might provide our Help on the CD with the product, but
> provide newer/revised/updated Help on our own website for customers to
> visit between product releases;
> 2) where we might provide the WebHelp on CD, as usual, but include any
> instructions/scripts and ancillary material that would allow the
> customer to serve it from their own corporate webserver.
> For bonus points, getting back to that first scenario, what additional
> craziness is needed in order to have the locally-installed Help look for
> updated/changed pages/topics back at the mother-ship, assuming that
> appropriate permission has been asked and granted? Is there ready-made
> scripting lying around for such purposes? Or does each company
> re-invent the "phone home" wheel for themselves?
> - Kevin
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> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2009 is your all-in-one authoring and publishing
> solution. Author in Doc-To-Help's XML-based editor, Microsoft Word or
> HTML and publish to the Web, Help systems or printed manuals.
> Help & Manual 5: The complete help authoring tool for individual
> authors and teams. Professional power, intuitive interface. Write
> once, publish to 8 formats. Multi-user authoring and version control!
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ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2009 is your all-in-one authoring and publishing
solution. Author in Doc-To-Help's XML-based editor, Microsoft Word or
HTML and publish to the Web, Help systems or printed manuals.
Help & Manual 5: The complete help authoring tool for individual
authors and teams. Professional power, intuitive interface. Write
once, publish to 8 formats. Multi-user authoring and version control!
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