Re: Problem with my XP system - Question

Subject: Re: Problem with my XP system - Question
From: Kathleen MacDowell <kathleen -dot- eamd -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: Jim Jones <han4yu3 -at- gmail -dot- com>
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2014 13:37:39 -0600

Jim, I happened to see an article in HowToGeek on running old programs on
modern versions of Windows. If you decide to update Windows, there might be
some helpful advice.

Should note that I'm glad you brought up this topic, as I've got an XP
computer too.


Why Old Programs DonĂ¢t Run on Modern Versions of Windows (and How You Can
Run Them Anyway)<>

On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Jim Jones <han4yu3 -at- gmail -dot- com> wrote:

> Hoping that someone on Techwrl will be able to give me a few good pointers
> here;
> My system runs XP [current update 3 I believe] and it has been running well
> [for about 3 yrs] until just before Xmas.
> AV is Avanquest System Suite 10. I have a 'Recovery Disc' that lets me
> restore previous checkpoints. Have tried this for two of the listed
> checkpoints but no joy. Have got about 10 on the list. I can indeed get
> into the 'Recovery Commander' of this restore disc and view some or most
> files.
> My brother tells me that my current situation [Windows hangs up when I try
> to start; problem might have been caused by my accidentally
> bumping/unplugging the unit] means that I have to re-install from my
> Windows disc [which I do have] and that I will have to do a full install
> and not a repair install [thereby losing everything that I have on the HD;
> I do have a bunch of docs etc. on a separate drive so all is not completely
> lost, but I'd prefer not to go this route].
> Thanks. Also - final end-of-life for XP comes in just a few months and I'm
> not sure how that has any bearing on my current state.
> Jim Jones
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Kathleen MacDowell
kathleen -dot- eamd -at- gmail -dot- com

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