Re: Tools - resource management

Subject: Re: Tools - resource management
From: Mike Starr <mike -at- writestarr -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 15:32:21 -0600

I'm thinking it's a Thunderbird issue; I haven't gotten around to posing the question on the Thunderbird support forum yet. I suspect it has something to do with Thunderbird using the Firefox engine to display HTML, thus both programs are sharing the same memory space. I suppose it's possible that Chrome shares that memory space as well under the assumption that the typical user will only be using one browser at a time. I do note that Chrome spawns multiple processes, quite possibly each time one launches a new window <snark>rather than using tabbed browsing like we've all been told we should love and use exclusively because it's so wonderful they can't imagine someone might prefer to spawn different windows rather than tabs.</snark> Of course, we've also been told that we should be using Gmail's web interface because that, too, is so wonderful.

Best Regards,

Mike Starr, Writer
Technical Writer - Online Help Developer - WordPress Websites
Graphic Designer - Desktop Publisher - Custom Microsoft Word templates
(262) 694-1028 - mike -at- writestarr -dot- com -
President - Working Writers of Wisconsin

On 11/20/2014 1:59 PM, Bill Swallow wrote:

Thank you for figuring out what was annoying the crap out of me for the past few weeks. Now... solution?

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Mike Starr <mike -at- writestarr -dot- com <mailto:mike -at- writestarr -dot- com>> wrote:

I've been having resource issues with both Chrome and Firefox, but
it manifests itself by them seeming to be sharing memory with
Thunderbird. I thought it might occur as a result of clicking
links in an email message and Thunderbird allocating memory to the
browser as a result.

I've been experimenting with launching either browser
independently, copying the url from Thunderbird and then pasting
it into the browser's address bar. I've then closed the browser
when I finish with the link. However,that doesn't seem to make a
difference. If I have an extended browsing session, memory
consumption keeps growing and growing until other applications
stall. The kicker though is that when I terminate the browser
session, the memory allocated to Thunderbird starts growing and
growing and the only solution has been to restart Thunderbird.

I can't figure out why closing a browser session would cause
Thunderbird's memory consumption to grow until the system becomes
paralyzed. There should be no relation between the browser's
memory consumption and Thunderbird. It does seem like Thunderbird
is essentially incapable of releasing that memory.

Best Regards,

-- Mike Starr, Writer
Technical Writer - Online Help Developer - WordPress Websites
Graphic Designer - Desktop Publisher - Custom Microsoft Word templates
(262) 694-1028 <tel:%28262%29%20694-1028> - mike -at- writestarr -dot- com
<mailto:mike -at- writestarr -dot- com> -
President - Working Writers of Wisconsin

On 11/20/2014 9:47 AM, Kevin McLauchlan wrote:


Just FYI

I have been using and recommending the SRWare Iron browser for
a few years.
I'm pulling my recommendation. I had preferred Iron because it
is Chrome
without the Google nosiness, therefore fast and clean.

I normally work via Remote Desktop to a VM instance of Windows
7, in which
I run MadCap Flare, a browser or two (to verify my output,
compare with
older doc versions, etc.), and not a lot else.

Lately, I have been having trouble with the VM being slow or
crashing. I
narrowed the cause to Iron using a lot of resources, mostly
CPU. This was
with Iron kept as up-to-date as possible.

Having replaced Iron with Opera or Firefox in the past week or
two, I no
longer see the problem. My workspace (the VM) has been stable and

Since Iron is Chrome with stuff removed, it's likely that
Chrome might be a
resource hog for you, too. From what I read, Chrome has taken
over the hog
mantle from Firefox. From less than a week of daily
experience, I find
current Firefox to be nimble and to have a slim working
footprint. Safari
continues to be Safari. I tend to favor a browser for
everyday use, but
check my webhelp output against several common ones to catch
any rendering
or other problems before publishing.



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Bill Swallow

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Tools - resource management: From: Kevin McLauchlan
Re: Tools - resource management: From: Mike Starr
Re: Tools - resource management: From: Bill Swallow

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