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RE: FM (2015) text insets - no track text edits when imported...
Subject:RE: FM (2015) text insets - no track text edits when imported... From:"David Artman" <david -at- davidartman -dot- com> To:"Monique Semp" <monique -dot- semp -at- earthlink -dot- net>, "TechWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com> Date:Wed, 25 Nov 2015 10:18:57 -0700
My apologies! Not a user of tracked changes in FM, and so I made an
unfounded assumption that they would work via text insets (Retain
Source Formatting doesn't even preserve them!?). That they do not is
sad, frankly, or a major oversight/bug.
I DO know, however, that conditional text is visible in text insets and
can be enabled/disabled at the BOOK level. So maybe stop using tracked
changes (i.e., 'automatic conditionalizing') and use standard
conditions (e.g., Deleted and Changed)? You couldn't use the easy
accept/reject functions; BUT you could maintain a full revision history
within the FM file(s) and just set Deleted to Hide and turn off
condition indicators when making final deliverable(s). Should you rev
the files, you just do a one-time pass to delete Deleted-tagged content
and de-conditionalize Added-tagged content, and you're back to a 'clean
slate' for the next round of review(s). Finally, if you REALLY want
ALL history in the file(s), append a version/release number to the
Deleted and Changed condition names (e.g., Deleted-1, Changed-1;
Deleted-2,Changed-2; etc.).
[We do this in DITA using platform and rev attributes--even down to the
phrase or word level!--in conjunction with ditaval files for each
ditamap: FULL history of a file within its DITA code, not just in the
CCMS or in ZIPped archives of down-level files.]
Sorry I couldn't get you further along....
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FM (2015) text insets - no track text edits when imported...
From: "Monique Semp" <[1]monique -dot- semp -at- earthlink -dot- net>
Date: Tue, November 24, 2015 1:56 pm
>> Have you tried using text insets for reused content, instead of copy
and paste?
Bummer. I just tried using a text inset that has tracked changes
showing. But whether I import it by reference or by copy, the result is
the same: the track text edits do not show. That is, itaEUR(TM)s the
same result as just copy/pasting regular text within the FrameMaker .fm
file. I believe that IaEUR(TM)ve tried all the possible options for
aEURoeFormatting of Imported FlowaEUR, and none result in getting the
tracked changes to show up in the file into which the inset is
The FrameMaker help doesnaEUR(TM)t seem to address the possibility of
tracked edits in text insets, in any fashion that I could see.
(IaEUR(TM)ve looked in detail at the sections for track text edits and
for text insets, and it seems like theyaEUR(TM)re totally independent
ThataEUR(TM)s quite a pity, and IaEUR(TM)d be pleased to hear any
suggestions for workarounds or other options that would get me to where
I want: easily showing, in multiple docs, the revisions to a topic
thataEUR(TM)s shared among multiple docs. (IaEUR(TM)m using
unstructured, so perhaps the Structured version would help. But
IaEUR(TM)ve certainly no time to deal with converting things to
DITA/structured now.)
1. mailto:monique -dot- semp -at- earthlink -dot- net
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