Re: Cloud backup?
An important thing with offsite backups is that the service providerversions your files.
Yes, indeed. And if you're going to back up from multiple platforms (I understand that the OP is looking for "non-Mac" backup, but I'm extending this discussion to a general situation), be sure that even if versioning is supported on the first platform, it's also supported on the others.
Just this week I wanted to retrieve an older version of a file from my Carbonite backup for my Mac. I was astonished (and then outraged) to find that although versioning is supported for my Windows system backup, it's not for my Mac! Same cost for the backup (it's based on overall storage capacity), but without a very important feature. When I first started with Carbonite quite a few years ago, I carefully looked at the features, but only for Windows machines. I only "recently" added my MacBook to the backup, when I started using it more seriously for work.
I've been following this thread with great interest because I want to switch from Carbonite to something that treats my Windows and MacBook backups the same (or at least charges less for the lesser-supported platform!).
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