Re: Writing for translation: since/because, over/more than
I've never seen that among recommendations from translation services
and organizations. If the writing is clear and unambiguous, a
competent translator will have no problem getting the correct meaning
from the context.
On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 5:36 PM Lauren <lauren -at- writeco -dot- net> wrote:
It is a good idea when writing for translation to avoid words with
multiple meanings. For example, "over" can mean more, preferred, or
above. Even above can have multiple meanings. ...
How does my comment not fall under the umbrella of assuring that writing is "clear and unambiguous"? I said to avoid words with multiple meanings and qualified my suggestions with "rather than focus on the correct word, look to the correct context for using a particular word."
You are making a general statement that writing should be "clear and unambiguous," while I am providing specific examples that are conducive to clear and unambiguous, although I said this was necessary to assure clarity and context.
You have done this before where you will restate what I said in different words with a tone that suggests an opposition to what I said. You are quite annoying when you do that.
When the writer has control over the competence of a translator as you require in your statement, then I suppose any sort of generally cogent writing will do.
What you have said, then, is that I wasted my keystrokes by responding to the prompt, "I'm curious where people here stand on those particular terms in the context of translation. Is it worth establishing guidelines that allow since & over (while recommending choosing one and sticking to it), or is it still worthwhile to distinguish between since & because and over & more than?" You imply the discussion does not matter as long as the writer works with "a competent translator."
What you fail to address or perhaps grasp is that not everyone has the same skill, experience, preferences, or inner style guide. Sometimes, discussions help to make people better writers. Your vague statement that writing only needs to be clear and unambiguous upon the condition it is provided to a competent translator is based on your understanding of what clear and unambiguous means and that the writer has control over the competence of the translator. Your vague statement is not clear and unambiguous about what is a good practice (sought by the OP) to assure that usage of the terms "since & because and over & more than" are clear and unambiguous. You likewise fail to provide guidelines (also sought by the OP) for clear and unambiguous writing when the writer cannot assure the competence of the translator (a condition you provided in your dismissal of my suggestion to avoid words with multiple meanings as a way to assure correct context that, ironically, is also one of your many conditions).
While I provided position that writing should have clarity in terms and context without any requirement for the writer to assure the translator is competent, you provided your position as a direct opposition to mine saying that the writer does not need assure clarity of terms and context provided there is a competent translator and correct context. I do not value your responses to my posts.
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Writing for translation: since/because, over/more than: From: Geoff Mann
Re: Writing for translation: since/because, over/more than: From: Lauren
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