Subject: MEDS
From: Norm Parry <NPARRY -at- COLGATEU -dot- BITNET>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1993 20:39:28 -0400

Sorry for the bush-league level of this question, but you've got to start

I am preparing materials for medical students, including transcription of
class lectures from cassette recordings made in class, transcription and
organizing in outline form written notes from lectures, and preparation of
learning aids such as study cards (4x5 fact/formula review cards), and fact

I need a medical terms dictionary-spell checker, a way to include Greek
letters, algebraic
symbols and medical symbols in the text,
and a way to print 4x5 size cards directly from information contained in text.

I also would like to learn the best way to send proof copy via the Internet to
the students for their review/correction and return to me for final processing.
The students all have access to the Internet.

Thanking you in advance for your advice.

Norm Parry
npArry -at- colgateu -dot- bitnet

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