Re: Any FrameMaker & Ventura Experts?

Subject: Re: Any FrameMaker & Ventura Experts?
From: Ken d'Albenas <kendal -at- AUTOTROL -dot- CUC -dot- AB -dot- CA>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 20:13:48 MDT

This is a long one, friends. Real long. If you're not interested

in FrameMaker or Ventura Publisher, hit the DELETE button now.


I've received about a dozen requests today for reprints of the old

article written by an ex-PC Ventura user cutting his teeth on

Macintosh FrameMaker. He has kindly given me his permission

to rerun it for techwr-L, so here it is. Some of his problems

were addressed by other contributors in the framers e-mail group,

so I've included them as well for completeness. His current opinion,

a year or so after switching, is... mixed feelings. On one hand, he

has more grumbles that he hasn't assembled into a new list; on the

other hand, he feels that Frame is still better than Ventura overall.

========================= Digression... =============================


1. For those interested, you can reach Frame Technical Support by

e-mail at comments -at- frame -dot- com if you have a support contract.

There are also newsgroups for FrameMaker and Interleaf users:

comp.text.frame and comp.text.interleaf

And there's a FrameMaker users' Internet e-mail group:

framers -at- engrg -dot- uwo -dot- ca

2. If you'd like the latest copy of the FrameMaker FAQ (Frequently

Asked Questions), send e-mail to mail-server -at- rtfm -dot- mit -dot- edu with the

following line in the body:

send usenet/news.answers/frame-faq

3. Here's how to subscribe to "framers" (I _think_): send e-mail to

majordomo -at- drd -dot- com, leave "Subject" line blank, and type these three

commands in the Body section:

subscribe framers
info framers

(I'm deducing this from the framers list documentation, so of

course it ought to be correct >:->

I joined under an earlier regime, so it's all theoretical to me.)

If any problems, write to majordomo -at- drd -dot- com and the human volunteer

administrator will reply when time permits.

======================== ...End Digression ============================

And now, on to our main feature...

(Reprinted from an earlier posting to comp.text.frame)

> From: sstark -at- Ingres -dot- COM (Scott Stark)
> Subject: Re: Framemaker Gripes
> Date: Fri, 24 Apr 92 12:58:42 EDT
> Reply-To: sstark -at- Ingres -dot- COM (Scott Stark)
> Organization: Ask Computer Systems Inc., Ingres Division, Alameda CA 94501

> The following is an opinionated listing of various problems, gripes
> and inadequacies discovered using Framemaker 3.0 for the Macintosh.
> As an introductory caveat, the users are a part of a technical
> communications department that is in the process of converting its
> entire doc set of 60+ technical manuals from Ventura Publisher on the
> PC to Framemaker on the Mac. Comparisons between the two programs are
> inevitable, and the problems encountered with Frame are coloured by a
> familiarity with functions that Ventura can perform and Frame should
> be able to perform. There is no attempt here to list the glowing
> advantages of Frame over Ventura. The general feeling by myself and
> others in our department is that while Frame offers some distinct
> advantages, it is a younger program and has major weaknesses in many
> areas.

> The bulk of our problems surfaced when we tried to attach tables of
> contents to every chapter, something which is next-to-impossible to do
> in Frame. Other problems arose as we tried to adapt Frame to our
> desired format, which I think is fairly common and should be fairly
> simple: our average publication is a technical manual of 10 to 30
> chapters, plus a master TOC and index. All chapters begin with page 1
> (chapter 3, e.g., begins with page 3-1). All page numbers, figure
> captions, TOC/index references and other references use the page
> numbering convention of chapter#-page# or chapter#-figure#. All
> chapters begin on the right-hand page, and the first text also begins
> on the right page, sometimes requiring a blank page after the TOC and
> at the end of the chapter. Blank pages have footers, but no headers
> (most other pages have headers).

> 1. Book building and TOC/Index generation. This process is highest
> on my list of gripes. This is probably the most complicated,
> user-unfriendly process I have encountered in any software,
> requiring eye-blurring visual coordination and enough mouse
> movements to give carpal tunnel syndrome to Gumby. Specific
> gripes include:

> a. Adding chapters to a book. Only one chapter can be added at
> a time, requiring you to pull down "Add File" from the File
> menu, scroll through a list of files to add, and select both
> its name and position in the book, at which point you are
> dumped back to the edit mode. Some of our manuals have as
> many as 20 or 30 chapters, with a TOC for each one,
> requiring the user to go through this laborious process as
> many as 60 times. It would be helpful to have a
> "Move/Include/Don't Include" function here similar to
> selecting tags for TOCs. The only faster way to select a
> group of files for a book is to select All, which presents
> its own set of problems:

> b. Rearranging files in a book. Even if you have been smart
> enough beforehand to keep only those files in your working
> folder that will appear in the book, if you select All under
> Add File, the files are dumped into the book in no
> particular order. Deleting chapters from a book is fairly
> simple, but moving them requires highlighting one chapter
> and clicking as many times as necessary on the Move Up or
> Move Down buttons until it is in the exact position. With
> 50 or 60 files in a book this quickly becomes a nightmare.
> You can't even hold down the Up and Down buttons to repeat
> the movement -- you must click once for each position
> change. Ideally, I would like to see a resizable window so
> I could see the whole list at once, and be able to grab and
> drag the files to the correct position. Repeatable Up and
> Down buttons would also be helpful for those still wishing
> to use them.

> c. Set up file. Once you have gotten all of the chapters and
> chapter TOCs into the book in the proper order, you must
> click on Set Up File under the File menu for each and every
> one, adding prefixes, changing the first page to Start on
> Right, and changing Page and Paragraph numbering to restart
> where necessary. This is another long and nightmarish
> process, especially when working with 2 or 3 types of files
> (TOCs, chapters, appendixes) which require different
> settings -- it's easy to lose track of where you are and put
> in wrong information. It would be helpful, since many
> chapters require the same settings, to be able to apply the
> same setup features to a number of chapters at once, or to
> be able to set a different default group of settings. It
> would also be helpful to avoid having to use prefixes at all
> (see below).

> d. Prefixes. In an automated world, it seems quite backward to
> have to type in a numbered prefix for each chapter. Frame
> allows you to define variables within each chapter for the
> chapter number, and this number will change automatically if
> another chapter is added or deleted before it. Why can't
> Frame pull that variable and use it as a prefix? If the
> chapter number does change for some reason, you won't then
> have to go into Setup in each file and retype a new prefix.

> [We have found a workaround for much of a-d above: with the help
> of someone in our department who has some programming background,
> we have developed a simple program that generates MIF files using
> a text editor on the PC side. With MIF you can specify all of
> the files you want in a book in the correct order, with the
> correct setup options and prefixes for each, and all of the tags
> you want to appear in the TOC. MIF files are fairly simple and
> easily copied, and Frame reads them beautifully as book files.]

> e. Table of Contents and Index generation. Another cumbersome
> process requiring as many as 10 or 15 steps. Every time you
> create a new TOC, you must select/deselect the same tags to
> include -- Frame won't remember what you selected last time.
> You must also set up the page numbering, startup side, etc.
> -- there is no way to set the default. And you shouldn't
> have to generate the TOC twice -- generate once, open
> template, use formats from the template, then generate
> again. On a large book, generating a TOC can take 20
> minutes or more each time on a fast machine.

> (It would be helpful, incidentally, to be able to specify
> the name of the TOC/index when first generating it, so you
> could direct the output to a file that already exists,
> rather than guessing what it would be. See note following.)

> There is also no way to select unusual tags to include in a
> TOC unless the chapter containing those tags is active, even
> if that chapter is included in the book.

> [Two workarounds we have discovered here to circumvent Frame's
> clumsiness: again, specifying the required tags in the MIF file
> lets you avoid having to select them manually; and in the MIF
> file you can also specify the name of the TOC. If you copy an
> already-existing TOC (and/or Index) and give it that name (or if
> you're not using MIF, give it the name you know Frame will create
> when it generates the TOC (such as "Bookname TOC")), Frame will
> simply dump the new data into that TOC and you won't have to Use
> Formats From or regenerate.]

> 2. Building an individual chapter. As long as a chapter contains
> only one file, with no TOC, building an individual chapter is
> fairly simple. But as mentioned above, attaching a TOC to each
> chapter opens up a Pandora's Box of problems, and other problems
> arise if you need to break up a chapter into subfiles.

> a. Chapter TOCs. While Frame allows you to generate TOCs from
> within a chapter, it's pretty clear the developers never
> expected anybody to do it. To get the chapter#-page# to
> appear by each TOC entry, we tried putting a <$paranum>
> variable on the reference page before the <$pagenumber>
> variable, the <$paranum> pulling an invisible automatic
> number we had to create for each tag that the TOC pulled.
> This actually worked, until we ran the Book TOC, at which
> point Frame turned all of the chapter numbers to zero.
> After much discussion with Frame tech support, we were told
> to make a separate book for each chapter, including only one
> TOC and chapter file in each, and, again, to type in
> manually prefixes for each (see gripes 1.c through 1.e
> above). This not only more than doubled the already
> cumbersome book building process and created more files that
> we don't want included in our master book, if the chapter
> numbers should change for any reason, that is one more place
> we'll have to remember to manually change the chapter
> number.

> We also discovered that when this chapter TOC is generated,
> the chapter number variable is initialized. Chapter 7, for
> example, becomes chapter 1. The only way to get it back to
> 7 is to regenerate the book TOC. This means every time the
> chapter TOC is rerun, we will also have to rerun the book
> TOC, a process which can take 20 minutes or more. The only
> workaround for this problem is to give up on Frame variables
> altogether, and type the chapter number in manually; but if
> the chapter number changes somewhere down the line, this
> would require us to manually change the number in the
> chapter number tag, the chapter TOC setup file, the book TOC
> setup file, and probably other places as well (would that
> number be pulled into footers, frame captions, table
> headings, cross references, etc.?) for that chapter and all
> subsequent chapters.

> b. Chapter titles, numbers, footers. There is a strong
> disadvantage to Frame's requirement that the TOC be a
> separate file from the text file. In order for the title
> and number to appear in the footer or header of every page,
> it must pull them from a tag within the chapter. But the
> chapter title and number appear at the beginning of the
> chapter, which is, you guessed it, on the TOC page. Since
> this is a separate file, the chapter file footers can't make
> reference to them (except by using cross-references, but you
> can't make reproducible templates with cross-references in
> them -- they'd all refer to the same file). And you don't
> want the title and chapter number to appear again on the
> first text page.

> Our solution was rather complicated -- we created a second
> frame on the first text page in an area above the text
> column, and tagged the chapter number and title paragraphs
> to print in a colour we'll have to turn off when printing.
> This frame will unfortunately cover up any header that runs
> into it, and we had to readjust our first-level heading tags
> so that the first one would stay on the same page (by
> telling the tag to start "top of column" rather than "top of
> page" -- fortunately we only have one column in our
> chapters). Developing this somewhat clunky system took a
> lot of time and trial and error, and was much more
> complicated than I feel it should have been.

> [Incidentally, Ventura allows you to put the TOC in the same
> chapter as the text, in a separate flow that is
> automatically updated whenever the TOC is regenerated.

> c. Multi-file chapters. Frame tech support recommends not
> having chapters that are broken up into separate files.
> However, large chapters -- 200+ pages -- are very slow to
> work with, and Frame does have memory limitations. But to
> break up chapters into 2 or more files requires that each
> subchapter have its own chapter title and number frame, as
> described in b above; otherwise the footers will not be able
> to refer to this information. Since the page containing
> this extra frame must be a "first page" master page, it must
> necessarily be a left or right page, which may be incorrect
> depending on the left or right position of the last page of
> the previous chapter. Also, when you generate the chapter
> and book TOCs, the chapter title and number will be pulled
> from each subchapter, and therefore will be repeated for
> each.

> d. Blank page no header. In our publications, blank pages --
> such as an extra left page at the end of a chapter -- have
> the headers turned off. This is easy enough to do by
> applying a no-header master page; but if the text in the
> chapter expands or contracts, text may eventually appear on
> that page, at which point it should have a header. It also
> seems possible that if enough text is added at the end of a
> chapter, that no-header page may end up somewhere in the
> middle of the chapter.

> 3. Formatting. In general, the "Use Formats From" is a burdensome
> extra step, and can create some problems. [Ventura uses a single
> style sheet which can be used by any number of chapters. When
> the style sheet is changed, it is changed for all chapters that
> use it automatically.]

> a. In Frame you have to keep a master template with the proper
> formats and remember to apply it to every chapter. If you
> make a change to your master style sheet, such as changing a
> typeface or something as simple as changing an indent, you
> would have to apply the new formats to every chapter of
> every book, which in our case would be hundreds of chapters.

> [Ventura allows you to replace the old style sheet with the
> new one, and all chapter would then automatically access
> that new style sheet.]

> If page layouts are changed, this would also require
> manually changing any header/footer text in the master FOR
> EACH BOOK before applying formats, since the footer contains
> information specific to that book (such as the book's
> title). This would multiply the format application process
> by the number of books involved and more.

> Further, in setting up books, we have found it necessary to
> use as many as 8 different templates: one for chapters, and
> different ones for appendixes, prefaces, title pages, book
> TOCs, chapter TOCs, indexes, glossaries, etc. Applying
> separate formats to each type of chapter to 60+ manuals
> elevates this already cumbersome process to nightmarish
> proportions. And since Frame is new to us, once we start
> working with it on a day-to-day basis, we may need to make
> further changes to the templates, requiring us to repeat the
> process any number of times.

> b. If you have made any changes to a specific paragraph without
> creating a new tag, applying formats wipes out your changes.

> c. It's a minor annoyance that you must have the template file
> open to use the formats from it. It would be nice to be
> able to use the formats from any file on the disk without
> having to open it.

> d. There is no way to tell which format has been used in a
> file. You run the risk of later applying the wrong format
> to a file. [Ventura displays the name of the style sheet
> used in the chapter.]

> e. There is no way to change the page size in a file, except by
> copying the text into a newly created document of the right
> size; doing this is not only cumbersome, but you lose all
> page formats in the process. If you then apply the page
> formats from the old document, your new file reverts to the
> old page size.

> f. There is no way to delete unnecessary tags en masse from
> several chapters at once. Applying formats to a chapter
> only adds new tags to those already there.

> g. Page layout and header/footer information should be two
> separate selections on the Use Formats From menu.

> 4. Word Processing. Frame's word processing capability is a strong
> selling point; however, there are a few problems.

> a. Spell Checker. The Spelling Checker is pretty good, but it
> would be useful to have a "skip once" as well as "allow in
> document" button. Also, it should correct every instance of
> a misspelled word.

> b. Find/Replace. When using Find, Frame searches through the
> entire document and then starts again at the top without
> telling you it's done so. Unless you're watching the page
> numbers below, you might not realize that you've already
> found the string or code you're searching once before. It
> would be helpful if Frame told you when it had reached the
> end of the document and asked you if you wanted to continue
> from the top, and then shut down when it reached the point
> where you began the Find. I can't think of any reason why
> you'd want to find the same string twice.

> c. "No insertion point." This annoying message appears if you
> choose Find and haven't clicked on the text in the active
> file. I can't think of any reason why you'd want to search
> for something without first inserting the cursor. Frame
> should assume you want to search the active window without
> requiring you to click on the text.

> d. Change & Find. Going through a document and selectively
> changing found text requires you to move the mouse cursor
> back and forth between the Change & Find buttons and the
> Find button (if you elect not to change). This makes the
> process tedious. Most word processors allow you to select Y
> or N from the keyboard.

> e. Block functions. Block functions are generally excellent,
> but it would be useful to be able to anchor the cursor,
> search for a character string, and block from your anchored
> position to the found string. Any word processor can do
> this.

> f. You cannot select alternate paragraphs. This would be
> useful when, say, every other paragraph required an
> automatic number.

> g. Page breaks. There doesn't seem to be any way to force a
> page break, except to make a blank paragraph with negative
> leading; but the value necessary for this leading will vary
> depending on the size of the type in the following
> paragraph. If you tell the next paragraph to start "top of
> page" in the paragraph format menu, applying formats to the
> chapter will wipe out that change. Perhaps a "bottom of
> page" or "page break after" option would be useful here.

> h. Side-by-side text. There is no way to make text appear side
> by side in a single column, without either creating a table,
> or creating an anchored text frame, neither of which is tag-
> dependent; both require extra steps. [Ventura allows you to
> start a second paragraph on the same line as the first.]

> i. Smart quotes. This is a useful function, but it is
> document-specific rather than tag specific. In some of our
> paragraph tags we do want smart quotes, and in some we
> don't. There is no way to make them tag-specific.

> j. It would be useful to be able to open windows for different
> parts of the same document simultaneously, allowing you to
> move/copy text easily within a chapter.

> k. Copying to the clipboard doesn't always work, especially
> after first starting Frame.

> l. Hyphenation. When Frame doesn't recognize a word, it will
> hyphenate it arbitrarily, e.g. PROGRAM/ESQL might hyphenate
> SQL.

> m. Variables -- the <$paranum>-type variables are useful, but
> they are rather cryptic -- you practically have to be a
> programmer to use them. It would also be nice to be able to
> use them anywhere -- in paragraph tags, on reference pages,
> etc.

> 5. File management.

> a. Copying a book. There is no way to copy or move all of the
> files in a book to another folder or diskette without losing
> the "pointers" to files/graphics imported by reference,
> unless it's to another disk with the exact same path struc-
> ture. This is especially a problem if you wish to move or
> copy a book to a new folder on the same disk. There is no
> way to copy a book to diskette if the book is bigger than
> one diskette, other than manually moving individual files
> over using the Mac Finder. References to import-by-
> reference files/graphics are lost. [Ventura has a COPY ALL
> command which copies the entire publication to diskette,
> prompting you to replace diskettes when full, and changing
> all of the reference pointers -- a very useful function.]

> b. There is no list of graphics files that are referred to by a
> chapter, or where they are located. You must click on each
> frame and select Properties to display this information. If
> graphics were imported from several different
> sources/folders, they might be overlooked when copying the
> book to another folder or disk. You might also
> inadvertently copy graphics files that were unnecessary,
> since there is no way of knowing which were used.

> 6. Tables.

> a. When converting text to tables, and also when applying
> formats to tables, any character formatting in the first
> column is lost.

> b. There is no way to make a table format with customized
> attributes, such as an invisible column or straddled
> columns.

> c. Minor custom changes made to a table format, such as
> resizing the columns, will only affect subsequent tables
> created using that format. Applying the new format to
> previously created tables using the same format name are not
> changed.

> 7. General usability. I have been accused of being a PC bigot, but
> I believe that for many functions it is faster, easier, and more
> efficient to enter commands from the keyboard than to use the
> mouse. The keyboard requires less eye strain and hand movement.
> Simply typing "Y" to a prompt is certainly easier than locating
> the Yes button, locating the pointer, moving it to the button and
> clicking, and you don't even have to look at the screen to do so.
> I would like to have the option to use the keyboard whenever
> possible. This would include answering yes/no prompts as well as
> selecting files, tags, format-from files, etc. from scrolling and
> pull-down lists. (You can, for example, select a file name from
> the Open File dialogue box, but only if you type very quickly and
> accurately.) Some specific things:

> a. When closing a file, you can press "Y" to say yes, "N" to
> say no to save the file. But when you select Save As and
> the file name already exists, you should also be able to
> press "R" to replace.

> b. Dialogue boxes pop up in different places around the screen,
> requiring you to keep moving the mouse around. Each "OK"
> button should appear in the same position for each box. An
> example is the series of dialogue boxes that appear when
> generating a TOC.

> c. It would be useful to be able to select items from the
> keyboard from pull-down lists, such as when applying master
> pages or using formats from a list of files.

> d. It would be useful to have the option to use "drop-down"
> menus as well as "pull-down" menus -- menus that pop up when
> the pointer moves over the selection, without pressing the
> mouse button.

> - Scott Stark
> ASK/Ingres Tech Comm


> To: framers -at- engrg -dot- uwo -dot- ca
> From: sei -dot- cmu -dot- edu!ask -at- auto-trol -dot- com (Alan Koch)
> Subject: Re: Framemaker Gripes
> Date: 10 Apr 92 13:18:34 GMT
> Organization: The Software Engineering Institute

> In article <1992Apr9 -dot- 221223 -dot- 16518 -at- pony -dot- Ingres -dot- COM>, sstark -at- Ingres -dot- COM (Scott
> |>
> |> The following is an opinionated listing of various problems, gripes
> |> and inadequacies discovered using Framemaker 3.0 for the Macintosh.

> I MUST commend Scott for his gripes! They are an EXCELLENT example of
> 1. Researching the topic -- except for my notes below, he was exactly right
> in his statement of how Frame works,
> 2. Not flaming, but giving useful comments and information.
> If only more gripes took this form!

> Frame; are you listening? Read his gripes carefully!

> |> 4. Word Processing. Frame's word processing capability is a strong
> |> selling point; however, there are a few problems.
> |>
> |> a. Spell Checker. The Spelling Checker is pretty good, but it
> |> would be useful to have a "skip once" as well as "allow in
> |> document" button. Also, it should correct every instance of
> |> a misspelled word.

> In the Spell Checker window, there is a check-box you can turn on which
> says, " Correct Future Occurrances Also".

> |> c. "No insertion point." This annoying message appears if you
> |> choose Find and haven't clicked on the text in the active
> |> file. I can't think of any reason why you'd want to search
> |> for something without first inserting the cursor. Frame
> |> should assume you want to search the active window without
> |> requiring you to click on the text.

> Since you can have many documents open at once, FrameMaker needs to know
> which one to check. I agree with their requirement for you to explicitly
> tell the system where to look.

> |>
> |> d. Change & Find. Going through a document and selectively
> |> changing found text requires you to move the mouse cursor
> |> back and forth between the Change & Find buttons and the
> |> Find button (if you elect not to change). This makes the
> |> process tedious. Most word processors allow you to select Y
> |> or N from the keyboard.

> Frame gives you keyboard ways to do EVERYTHING! In the Search window, tab
> until the Change & Search Again button is the active button. (Note that
> Search is the default button.) Now the space bar will activate Change &
> Search and the Return key will activate Search. (At least this is true in
> the X version.)

> |> f. You cannot select alternate paragraphs. This would be
> |> useful when, say, every other paragraph required an
> |> automatic number.

> Basic Property Sheet: Next Paragraph You can specify that Paragraph tag A
> should be followed by B and B should be followed by A. (If I understand yo
> properly.)

> |> k. Copying to the clipboard doesn't always work, especially
> |> after first starting Frame.

> Known bug.

> |> 7. General usability. I have been accused of being a PC bigot, but
> |> I believe that for many functions it is faster, easier, and more
> |> efficient to enter commands from the keyboard than to use the
> |> mouse. The keyboard requires less eye strain and hand movement.
> |> Simply typing "Y" to a prompt is certainly easier than locating
> |> the Yes button, locating the pointer, moving it to the button and
> |> clicking, and you don't even have to look at the screen to do so.
> |> I would like to have the option to use the keyboard whenever
> |> possible. This would include answering yes/no prompts as well as
> |> selecting files, tags, format-from files, etc. from scrolling and
> |> pull-down lists. (You can, for example, select a file name from
> |> the Open File dialogue box, but only if you type very quickly and
> |> accurately.) Some specific things:

> There are keyboard ways to do almost EVERYTHING. Look at your Shortcuts
> document. I believe everthing you mentioned is in there (except "Drop-down
> menus -- I've never seen such a thing.)


> To: framers -at- engrg -dot- uwo -dot- ca
> From: erg -dot- sri -dot- com!bigmac -at- auto-trol -dot- com (Bryan McDonald)
> Subject: Re: Framemaker Gripes
> Date: 23 Apr 92 19:57:55 GMT
> Organization: CHAOS - SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA

> >> e. There is no way to change the page size in a file, except by
> >> copying the text into a newly created document of the right
> >> size; doing this is not only cumbersome, but you lose all
> >> page formats in the process. If you then apply the page
> >> formats from the old document, your new file reverts to the
> >> old page size.
> >
> >Before anybody says "why would you ever want to do that?" let me point
> >out that we are entering the era of electronic publishing, where you
> >are quite likely to have to put the same book out for both print and
> >CD-ROM or other on-line viewing.
> >
> >The page size that's best for paper is almost never the best for on-line
> >reading. So you are extremely likely to want to change the page size
> >of an existing print book when publishing to another medium.

> There is another way. Save the file to MIF, use your favorite ascii
> editor (or Frame for that matter) to edit the ascii mif file and
> alter the page dimensions, then re-open it. Worked for me when I was taught
> it at the Frame Training class.


> From: kendal -at- autotrol -dot- cuc -dot- ab -dot- ca (Ken d'Albenas)
> From kendal Thu Apr 30 02:33:12 1992
> To: sstark -at- Ingres -dot- COM
> Subject: Re: Framemaker Gripes

> A couple of tips, possibly helpful, possibly old news:

> Re 4 (i): Leave smart quotes on. Train people to use the keystrokes
> that force straight quotes (see Frame documentation).

> Re 4 (l): It's not hard to train people to type the hyphenation-suppres
> keystrokes (Meta-Shift-minus on my platform) at the beginning of
> computerese words like PROGRAM/ESQL. You can also put them in your
> dictionary with hyphenation defined. Myself, I prefer to turn
> these things into variables to prevent typos, and you CAN type
> the hyphenation-suppression keystrokes in a variable. Although
> the symbol doesn't show up in the variable definition box (a small
> nuisance in itself), it does in the document.

> Re 7 (b): The first time a window pops up (dialogue box, character
> format catalogue, confirmation window, etc.), move it where you want
> it to be. From then on, that's where it'll appear for the duration
> of your session or until you move it again. By this method I've been
> able to spare my carpal tunnel during long, repetitive editing
> operations that use one window which generates another needing
> acknowledgment.


Th-th-that's all, folks!


Ken d'Albenas
STC Alberta Chapter
kendal -at- autotrol -dot- cuc -dot- ab -dot- ca


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