Answers to Resume Question

Subject: Answers to Resume Question
From: Karin Warren <warrenk -at- JACOBS -dot- CSOS -dot- ORST -dot- EDU>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1993 23:12:52 GMT

Greetings everyone.

Here's a brief tally of your mail messages and postings to the question,
"Should our resumes include software information and all the accompanying

4 - Yes, include

5 - Yes, include but:
- generalize, e.g, "desktop publishing software,"
and save specifics for the interview
- emphasize ability to quickly learn new software
- list only the software you're best at using
- create two or more versions of the resume
- tailor the hardware/software list to each position

2 - No, exclude and:
- discuss it at the interview
- save it for a Statement of Qualifications

It's probably a coincidence, but since including hardware and software
experience in my resume, I've landed two new contracting jobs! Thanks so
much for your comments/advice.

warrenk -at- jacobs -dot- csos -dot- orst -dot- edu

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