Re: <Q> Degree in Computers, MM & Edu

Subject: Re: <Q> Degree in Computers, MM & Edu
From: Jim Walsh <jimw -at- TENNESSEE -dot- SC -dot- TI -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 1994 13:54:36 CDT

Hello again:

In a very small way, I can agree with Stephen Bernhardt. My doubts come from
trying to find a university that offers a degree plan "in computers, and multi-
media design and development, and their uses in education and training." This is
so esoteric that I question such a plan can be found because it would not be
economically feasible to the university. To go around this, I feel that you
have to go to a school with a technical communication curriculum degree plan as
well as having working agreements with the CS (computer science) department
like the two schools I mentioned. Then you can design a degree plan using their
already existing curriculum (and enjoy a good selection).

Does this make sense, or have I gone out on another (weak and impulsive)
intuitive flight of fancy again.

-- Jim Walsh

******* ********* ***********
* Stephen Bernhardt writes:

* But I wonder if this is good advice below. I think instructional
* technology programs are more on the mark than those at MTU or BGSU, which
* are essentially tech comm programs. It seems Caputo has interests defined
* which don't exactly fit tech comm programs .That's why I didn't recommend
* our own programs at NMSU.

* On Mon, 18 Apr 1994, Jim Walsh wrote:

* > On Sun, 17 Apr 1994, Aldo J Caputo wrote:
* >
* > > I'm looking for colleges or universities which offer
* > > degree programs in computers, and multimedia design and development, and
* > > their uses in education and training.
* > >
* > > I'd like to keep fairly close to this region of N. America
* > > Distance Ed options would also be a bonus.
* >
* > If you want to stay in the Michigan area, then I suggest either Michigan
* > Technological University in Houghton (has the largest scientific/technical
* > communications program in U.S. -- over 120 students) or Bowling Green State
* > University just south of Detroit and Toledo in Bowling Green, OH. Both have
* > excellent programs in CS and in technical communication, proved by the
* > we have recruited from them.
* >
* > Good luck,
* >
* > Jim Walsh jimw -at- tennessee -dot- sc -dot- ti -dot- com

* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
* > Stephen A. Bernhardt >
* > Department of English, Box 3E >
* > New Mexico State University >
* > Las Cruces, NM 88003 >
* > 505-646-2027 FAX 505-646-7725 >
* > e-mail sbernhar -at- nmsu -dot- edu >
* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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