Information from TECHWR-L Listowner

Subject: Information from TECHWR-L Listowner
From: Eric Ray <ejray -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 14:16:50 CDT

Hi, gang!
I am recycling this message to make sure all of you can
stop your mail if necessary and restart it after you
return from the conference. If you have questions or
problems, let me know, but be advised, I will be
pressed for time and hard to reach.

Additionally, I will be playing listowner over long
distance lines and paying long distance charges, so if
your account starts bouncing mail or having other
problems, I will probably just unsubscribe you. If you
suddenly stop getting mail in the next couple of weeks,
just send in a new subscription message. If that
doesn't work, then contact me.

Apologies in advance,
ejray -at- okway -dot- okstate -dot- edu
TECHWR-L Listowner


Q: How do I subscribe to TECHWR-L?
A: Send a message to:
LISTSERV -at- VM1 -dot- UCC -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:
SUB TECHWR-L first_name last_name

For example:

Q: How do I unsubscribe?
A: Send a message to:
LISTSERV -at- VM1 -dot- UCC -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:

Q: What are digests and how do I get them?
A: Digests are daily mailings which include all
postings to TECHWR-L from the last 24 hours. These
are unedited, and unmoderated--they just give you
one big message instead of many little ones.
To get digests (assuming you are a subscriber),
send a message to:
LISTSERV -at- VM1 -dot- UCC -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:

Q: I want to stop my mail, but I don't want to unsubscribe
because I hate that confirmation process. What do I do?
A: To stop your mail (assuming you are a subscriber),
send a message to:
LISTSERV -at- VM1 -dot- UCC -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:

Q: I stopped my mail using NOMAIL, and now I want reqular mail. What do
I do?
A: To change back to regular mail,
send a message to:
LISTSERV -at- VM1 -dot- UCC -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:

Q: I got digests, and now I want reqular mail. What do
I do?
A: To change from digests back to regular mail,
send a message to:
LISTSERV -at- VM1 -dot- UCC -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:

Q; Who is the listowner and how do I contact him?
A: Eric Ray is the owner (that's me), and my address is
EJRAY -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU -dot- My telephone number is

Q: Who is responsible for the information posted to the
list, and who controls what gets posted?
A: The listowner and Oklahoma State University are not
responsible for anything posted to the list. The list is public
and unmoderated, so people who choose to post claim full
responsibility for anything posted under their respective
addresses and userids. The POSTMASTER@<whatever the address is>
is the only other person with any control over individual
postings from any userid.

Q: What is STC and how do I contact them?
A: STC is the Society for Technical Communication, and is
main professional organization for technical
and scientific communicators. Any questions, comments
or suggestions for STC should go to:

Society for Technical Communication
901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 904
Arlington VA 22203-1854

Q: How do STC and TECHWR-L relate?
A: They don't officially. Many STC members are on the list,
but most aren't. Many list subscribers are STC members,
but some aren't.

Q: Where do I send additions, corrections, and comments about
this posting?
A: To Eric, the listowner, of course. EJRAY -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Eric J. Ray
ejray -at- okway -dot- okstate -dot- edu
Technical Information Analyst
OSU Computer Center MS113
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
Tel: 405/744-6301
Fax: 405/744-7861

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