Re: personal trainers

Subject: Re: personal trainers
From: Andreas Ramos <andreas -at- NETCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 22:05:28 -0700

> * From: murphy!acmcr!vr -at- uunet -dot- UU -dot- NET (Vicki Rosenzweig)
> * Subject: personal trainers
> *
> * I don't know what Andreas means by this either, and I
> * live in New York City. I see ads occasionally for
> * health clubs that offer "personal trainers," meaning
> * someone who will design an exercise program for you,
> * and sometimes supervise to make sure you're doing it
> * right (rather than either misunderstanding or deciding
> * you don't want to work that hard), but I don't think
> * such people have a distinctive writing style. Writing
> * isn't their job.
> *
> * Vicki Rosenzweig

> And so there!! Nah, nah.
> Jim (The Rightous) Walsh

Dear Jim & Vicki,
Personal trainers don't write. Hell, they can't even read! Remember
Arnie's line (that's MR Schwarzenegger to you, Jimbo!): "the brain is a
muscle. You have to train it." :D

Okay, Jim: here's the dark secret: a personal trainer is your own private
workout coach. He/she runs you around the track, makes sure that you
develop your apps, etc. (and don't ask me what no apps are. it's killer
apps, for sure, but not that kind. Boy, they catch you in Texus looking at
apps, and they'll run you over the state line!)

And to Vicki: No, they don't write. Mostly they bark! "Just do it! FEEL
that pain! Coo-oo-ul!" (For them, cool is a three syllable word. Accent on
the "oo") And they don't use no passive. Nosirree, Bob! They's always on

andreas (who lives next door to a personal trainer, who talks like that.
She also makes more than any of us. That brings up the subject of
personal money managers. Let's not go into that.)

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