Server commands file

Subject: Server commands file
From: "Rollings, Gill" <WGILLR -at- WOK-MSMAIL-GW -dot- ISL -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 10:15:00 PDT

As we've had a few questions lately about setting the digests option - and
regularly get unsubscribe requests sent to the whole group - I thought it
might be an idea to copy the winhelp-l practice of having the list server
commands circulated regularly (fortnightly? once a month?). What's the
general opinion? Eric, would it be a real nuisance for you to have to add
it in or could you set it up automatically, say if you ran it on the first
of the month?

I know it would be a pain for those of us who get the digest to page past it
or remove it each time it turns up, but it should eliminate a lot of
queries, so perhaps it's worth that one little aggravation to save us from
lots of little aggravations? :-)

Just a thought....

Gill Rollings, Technical Writer, Internet Systems Ltd
gill -dot- rollings -at- isl -dot- com

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