Need Westinghouse History

Subject: Need Westinghouse History
From: Ken Zuroski <zuroski+ -at- CMU -dot- EDU>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 08:07:14 -0400


My name is Ken Zuroski; I'm a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon
University, and I'm in the process of writing my thesis. For my
dissertation, I'm examining the historical role of Westinghouse in
helping shape and define the role of the modern-day technical writer.
In particular, I'm interested in looking at the point of transition
from when Westinghouse began to stop using engineers and scientists to
perform much or all of the technical writing, and instead began to
look to people with non-engineering, non-science degrees, but who were
good communicators, to perform that function. I'm looking to uncover
the sundry factors that fueled and the constraints that shaped this

I've been interviewing many (mostly retired) former Westinghouse
employees and have been garnering some rather good information.
Scholarly articles relevant to this subject are scarce, but that's
okay, since this is fundamentally primary research. I'm sending out
this message in the hopes of expanding my circle of contacts and
ultimately increasing the amount of information I have available to
work with. All information is very much relevant; no detail is
insignificant for my work.

Can you help? Have you been affiliated with--or even in the position
to observe--the technical writing process at Westinghouse, at any
Westinghouse division, at any time? Do you know of anyone who might be
able to help me? If any of the above, I would very much enjoy speaking
with you. Kindly email me at this address; or call during the day at
412 231 2012; at night, 412 373 6426. If you call, please reverse the

My most sincere thanks--

--Ken Zuroski

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