Cursing on the net

Subject: Cursing on the net
From: Arthur Comings <atc -at- CORTE-MADERA -dot- GEOQUEST -dot- SLB -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 17:15:16 PDT

>BTW, Pat, as per the profanity discussion, if you _must_ be obscene,
>please at least be creative.

I think what this means is, "Please don't curse around here." If that's
how you feel, why not say it? Or at least give us some examples of
creativity that we could emulate.

For my part (speaking objectively since I wasn't the target of Pat O's
invective), I don't require any more creativity than his message

It was brief and to the point, it read like real speech, and it was
punctuated to perfection. Those qualities make it extremely rare in net
speech, and I was happy to read it. Twice.

The question of why he copied us all is a valid one, I admit -- but the
man does know how to turn a phrase.

Arthur Comings

Corte Madera, California
atc -at- corte-madera -dot- geoquest -dot- slb -dot- com

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