senseless drivel

Subject: senseless drivel
From: Tim Pera <uusr656!tim -at- RAMBONE -dot- PSI -dot- NET>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 09:44:51 +0600

Arthur Comings writes in defense of Patrick O'Connell's senseless drivel:

It was brief and to the point, it read like real speech, and it was
punctuated to perfection. Those qualities make it extremely rare in net
speech, and I was happy to read it. Twice.

The question of why he copied us all is a valid one, I admit -- but the
man does know how to turn a phrase.

So he knows how to turn a phrase. Who on this list doesn't know
how to turn a phrase? Phrases I can get in the bar or the locker
room. I subscribe to this list to enhance my performance as a technical
writer, and O'Connell's post is just more noise between me and my

Tim Pera

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