Re: Report on how kids can't write well

Subject: Re: Report on how kids can't write well
From: Mary Bull <Mary_Bull -at- DAYNA -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 17:38:21 -0700

I am also increasingly frustrated at the quality of written materials my son
brings home from school. I have tried to be a gentle reviewer (of course,
after the fact) and not embarrass anyone, but have been rebuffed at every
point. I guess it boils down to those parents that have some writing
knowledge re-educating our children. One local school has ratified an
internal statement that says, loosely paraphrased, "Teachers are not
responsible for children's learning-their parents are." Please realize that
I'm not putting down teachers at all-it's a tough job and I know I couldn't
do it. However, _everyone_ coming out of high school, much less college,
should be able to write a coherent sentence.

Yes, I am putting on my asbestos suit in preparation for flames. <g> I
believe that we are _all_ responsible for our children's education-from
parents to teachers to religious leaders to friends. So let's volunteer to
help out in our neighborhoods and the schools and give our kids a fighting

Mary Bull || "Mind that bus,
Dayna Communications || what bus, SPLAT."
Salt Lake City, UT || --Arnold J. Rimmer
Mary_Bull -at- dayna -dot- com ||

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