Re: re. Report on how kids can't write well

Subject: Re: re. Report on how kids can't write well
From: Heli Roosild <HeliR -at- MSMAILHQ -dot- NETIMAGE -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 13:04:00 PDT

Bonni writes:

> The students (and some of the teachers) were amazed that we (the
>Writing Center staff) graded down for grammar and spelling mistakes.

I saw the same thing, back when my kids were in school. While I didn't
examine their homework with any regularity, once in a while they would show
me something. And when I gave them back their so-called "A" papers, filled
with spelling and grammar errors marked (in red!!!), they were upset and
angry--at first at me, because, after all, their teacher hadn't felt it was
important to correct these things. But after a while, their anger--and
contempt--turned towards the teachers who failed to teach.

The above is in no way meant as a flame against teachers as a whole. As
they say, "some of my best friends ...." In my case, one of my children,
whose undergraduate degree is in computer science, just finished her masters
in instructional technology, and is now looking for her first job--teaching
computer skills in public schools.

Heli L. Roosild Network Imaging Systems
helir -at- msmailhq -dot- netimage -dot- com Herndon VA 22070

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