Reading, Writing and Rapidly Decaying . . .

Subject: Reading, Writing and Rapidly Decaying . . .
From: Elaine Winters <ewinters -at- NETCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 1994 08:00:02 -0700


I've been living and working in Asia; my Graduate Students in China
would BEG me (in private, so as not to lose face), to help them with
what they called 'presentation' of ideas.

My colleagues in Hong Kong (my peers), would ask for assistance in making
ideas 'more accessable' - - the Japanese, among others, strive for
'constant improvement.'

Attitude. It does matter. Self-esteem? How much self-esteem do you
end up with if you're so pig-headed as to think you cannot improve what
you're doing?

Elaine Winters

E. Winters Berkeley, CA USA, 510-843-090
Instructional/Interactivity/Designs...Cross - Cultural Communication

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