
Subject: Teleworking/Telecommuting
From: Elaine Winters <ewinters -at- NETCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 07:18:54 -0700

About 2 weeks ago I posted a notice indicating my interest
in Telecommunting. As yet, no jobs; I did find this information
- - and I'm posting for those who might want to follow-up. Elaine
From: vicw -at- cix -dot- compulink -dot- co -dot- uk ("V J Woolnough")

TELEWORKING is set to become International in the future!
Country, location, sex, age or disability should not be a
barrier to employment potential.

The INTERNET is global and therefore anyone who has a service
to offer can contact any company that has an INTERNET
connection, to offer their particular services.

If you are interested in TELEWORKING, now or in the future,
and have a skill or service to offer which is practical using
a modem link, and may wish to be entered in an
International Directory of Teleworkers, please EMail your
NAME, EMail ADDRESS, and SERVICE offered, to:
vicw -at- cix -dot- compulink -dot- co -dot- uk

Please send one line only if possible eg.

John Smith jsmith -at- provider -dot- com PC Programmer C/C++
Janet Brown jbrown -at- bbs -dot- org Translations in French/German

There are many other suitable skills, here are just a few
examples, but there will be many other possible services.

Technical Writing
Desktop Publishing
Local Marketing Information
Market Research
Proof Reading
Various forms of Consultancy
Software Support
Training Services
Technical / Specialist Translations
CAD (Computer Aided Design)
Programming and Database Development

If the response is sufficient, a directory will be compiled
and made available to any company or business requesting a
copy, free of charge.

The term "teleworker" includes both individuals and companies
offering a service via a modem link.

No charge is incurred nor any commitment made by registering
your interest at this time, but there will be a small charge,
per annum, if you subsequently request to be entered in the
Directory on being notified that it is being compiled. No
other charges will be made.

Any company interested in receiving a copy of the
International Directory of Teleworkers, free of charge, when
available, should register their interest by EMailing their
Company NAME, EMail ADDRESS, and Nature of BUSINESS
plus the words "Directory Requested" to:
vicw -at- cix -dot- compulink -dot- co -dot- uk

E. Winters: Principal Program Facilitating and Consulting
Instructional Design * Interactivity * Cross - Cultural Communication

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