Re: Word 6.0 /Windows

Subject: Re: Word 6.0 /Windows
From: David M Girardot <dmg -at- PENTAGON -dot- IO -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 23:42:45 -0500

John Russell <johnr -at- brs -dot- com> writes:

>I've been using Word 6.0a for Windows for quite awhile and have recently
>realized how poorly it manages memory. Has anyone else out there who uses
>Word 6.0 regularly noticed the same?
> [detail about how Word eats memory and can crash the system]

Yes. I have experienced exactly the same thing. The best fix I have
is to install a "resource monitor" and keep an eye on it. When it
drops below, say, 50% I quit Word, quit windows, backup, and start back
up again. I also quit Word and Windows several times throughout the
day to avoid the otherwise inevitable crashes.

The older version of the video driver I was using (AT Mach 32 v 2.2.2)
exacerbated the problem...

>Has anything like this happened to anyone else out there? Is this a
>Word problem? Has anyone else noticed this same memory loss while using
>Word? Is there a fix for it???

I'm fairly confident that the problem is due to Word; though I'd be
very surprised if Microsoft were willing to admit it. If it weren't
for the functionality in Word that I have become dependent on, I'd
switch to another app without looking back.

Best advice I can give is to quit Word and Windows periodically, and
backup often. Also, it helps to turn on the auto-backup feature, always create
backup feature, and to turn OFF the fast-save feature. One other point;
the OLE related features of Word seem to be the most buggy. (Of course they
are also the most useful). YMMV.

-- David


---David M Girardot-----dmg5 -at- cs1 -dot- cc -dot- lehigh -dot- edu---dmg@io -dot- com---dmg5 -at- lehigh -dot- edu-
---------- " Sometimes I want to take Word and just smack it. " --------------

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