The Churchill Wit

Subject: The Churchill Wit
From: Steve Fouts <sfouts -at- ELLISON -dot- SC -dot- TI -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 12:41:17 CDT

Virginia Krenn writes:

|} I think that when someone had criticized him for ending a sentence with a
|} preposition, he said, "This is the kind of nonsense up with which I will
|} not put."

The story is apocryphal. Winston supposedly wrote this in the margin of
a book he borrowed from a friend. No one seems to know what book it was,
who the friend was, or any further details. Your best bet is to say,
``attributed to Winston Churchill,'' and leave it at that.

_______________ _____
/ ___ __/__\ \ / / _\ Steve Fouts
/___ \| | ___\ | / __\ sfouts -at- ellison -dot- sc -dot- ti -dot- com
/ / \ | \ / \
/_______/__|_______\_/________\ "She understood, as he did, that all writing
was infernally boring and futile, but that it had to be done out of respect
for tradition" --Stanislaw Lem

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