long sentences

Subject: long sentences
From: "Davison, Grant" <GDAVISO -at- C30 -dot- NCEL -dot- NAVY -dot- MIL>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 15:42:00 PDT

I have a question for the group. How do you revise long sentences? My
writing can include long sentences. I write by using a method that involves
asking myself questions. To split a sentence up into two or more sentences,
I ask myself these questions:

1.) Do I need to split the sentence? I don't split long sentences that
have the following format S-V-words: list. I don't have any other
questions to ask regarding spliting this sentence.

2.) Is there a semi-colon in the sentence?

3.) Can I eliminate the sentence by placing information in a table?

Any other questions would be appreciated?

Grant Davison
Port Hueneme, Ca.

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