Re: Colored Pens

Subject: Re: Colored Pens
From: Virginia Krenn <asdxvlk -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 08:47:57 CDT

Supposedly, 10% of males are red/green color blind as are my father
and both of my sons. I used red pens to grade papers. And, I still
like red (or pink) to make notes on my own documents. But, now I
wonder what would be best for grading papers.

I had previously sent this message to Sally Marquigny in response to
her message on this topic.

Blue would be difficult to use on papers that are written in blue ink.
Yellow ink on white paper doesn't have enough contrast. So, what is
the ideal color?

__________________________ Reply Separator ____________________________
Subject: Colored Pens
Author: ,"Montgomery, Kevin" <kmontgomery -at- cclink -dot- logicon -dot- com> at SMTP
Date: 8/17/94 8:21 PM

Those of you who champion green ink for editing might want to consider
that many men have trouble seeing green. For the
chromatically-challenged, green ink looks almost gray. Blue has better
impact. (Thank goodness they hang nice red and yellow lights on street
signals so I can locate the one they say is green.) -Kevin

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