Do you equate engineers and programmers?

Subject: Do you equate engineers and programmers?
From: Peggy Brown <OISPEGGY -at- UBVMS -dot- CC -dot- BUFFALO -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 08:48:37 -0400

>Warning: Diatribe with illustrating anecdote ahead. Proceed at own risk.

And another one... :)

>I can't resist one more chance to engineer-bash, then I'll quit before someone
>has some equally nasty and equally valid (whatever could those be?) things to
>say about technical writers.

I am a database programmer at a medical school, and a newcomer, trying go get
a start doing technical writing for my own company (part-time).

As long as we're being evil.....

1.) IMO doctor's are the same as Gwen's description of engineers.

2.) I supply reports for an *extensive* medicaid audit. The reports are
used by lawyers and state auditors. No one is more driven to pin
down every detail and discrepancy than auditors. I guess that means
they are doing a good job, but they're certainly a pain in the neck!

3.) The group I fear the most, however, are the marketing/advertising
types. Smiling, charming, and lovely -- with knives stuck in the
backs of more people than you can count. These are the ones who
really scare me.

- Peggy -

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