Re: Pet Peeves

Subject: Re: Pet Peeves
From: "Brian S. R. Bennett" <bb18+ -at- ANDREW -dot- CMU -dot- EDU>
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 1994 18:59:30 -0400

>Hi! What are your writing pet peeves? What things do
>you make certain that you edit out of your drafts and the
>writing of subject matter experts (SMEs)?

>Please supply others. My dept. is trying to compile a list.

How about:

Windows environment (when refering to GUI in general)
interface (as a verb)
user friendly
facility (although it may be used effectively in some situations)
program ("application" is better)

A note on these last two: a document written before I arrived at my current
company actually described the application as a "computerized software program."

So a really, really bad sentence would be:

Widget 2.0, available for many windows environments, is a user friendly,
computerized software program that utilizes a robust facility to interface
with the database.

Brian S. R. Bennett
Senior Information Developer
H. B. Maynard and Company
Eight Parkway Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15220

Phone: 412/921-2400 ext. 123
FAX: 412/921-4575

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