Sep SF STC mtg

Subject: Sep SF STC mtg
From: Bob Seitz <bseitz -at- WELL -dot- SF -dot- CA -dot- US>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 13:27:08 -0700

Please feel free to forward this message to individuals who might be
interested. However, please do * NOT * repost it to CompuServe or
America Online or to Usenet ba.announce; this has been done already.

San Francisco Chapter
Society for Technical Communication

September Meeting


Chuck Pagani and Ted Kahn present "Windows Online Help." Mr. Pagani
and Mr. Kahn, who develop innovative Windows Help systems, will give
an introduction to creating Microsoft Windows Help files for
applications and as stand-alone files. They will discuss the
elements that comprise the Windows Help system and some of the
internals and will cover hypertext basics, screen design, editing,
and testing. In addition, they will discuss Windows Help authoring
tools. The entire presentation will be illustrated with many

WHEN: Wednesday, September 21, 1994
6:00 p.m.: Networking and hors d'oeuvres
6:45 p.m.: Program
Meetings are usually on the third Wednesday of the

WHERE: Stagecoach Restaurant
Wells Fargo Building
44 Montgomery Street at Sutter Street (downstairs)
Downtown San Francisco
A short walk from the Montgomery Street BART Station

RESERVATIONS: STC members can make reservations with
Victoria Pearce
(415) 885-1223
Make reservations by phone but pay at the door

ADMISSION: $10 for STC members with reservations
$12 for all others

(415) 985-7121

The STC is an international nonprofit organization of over 16,000
technical writers, editors, illustrators, and other technical
communicators. The STC's mission is to provide timely and innovative
programs and services for the education and professional development
of its members.

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