Re: Master's Degree in Communications (Yes/No?)

Subject: Re: Master's Degree in Communications (Yes/No?)
From: Jan Boomsliter <boom -at- CADENCE -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 11:57:08 -0800

You didn't say if you are a tech writer now. If you are already an
experienced tech writer, I think the degree might get you in the door
ahead of someone else, but only maybe.

If you are just starting out, I don't know. If a new writer brings me
degrees and no practical experience, I will continue my search. If, on
the other hand, you have a portfolio, with a real-life project in it,
we'll talk!

Greetings all!

I know I've seen threads on this topic pass through the list, so
I thought I'd toss it out here again.

I'm thinking about getting a Master's Degree in Managerial
Communications (which is what is sounds like-a hybrid of management
and communications courses).

* For those of you who went for your Master's degree, do you
think it was worth the effort? Were you after a better salary,
employability, or the opportunity to learn more?

In today's market, it seems like it would be best to have the degree,
although I can also see that spending that time getting real-word
experience might be just as valuable (if not more so).

Please let me know what you think by sending e-mail to:

* Paul -dot- Carman -at- harris -dot- com

Thank you very much for your time.

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