Paul Trummel's postings

Subject: Paul Trummel's postings
From: Arthur Comings <atc -at- CORTE-MADERA -dot- GEOQUEST -dot- SLB -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 10:45:55 PST

> I'm just wondering if anyone else has received the attached message. I
> suspect Mr. Trummel may have sent this to certain lists, but don't know. I'm
> just curious about whether I'm getting on an e-mailing list now, or what.

I think most of us received it -- one way or another. Some called it a spam.

I've read this guy's stuff before, and I can't figure out if he's
serious or not. If he is, I don't know how he keeps it together to
teach college classes, which he claims to do. If he's not, he's a
talented satirist (which he claims to be, BTW), but he sure doesn't
know when to stop.

I'd appreciate if if someone could clue me in once and for all. But
hold the vitriol, OK?


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