Resolving Edits

Subject: Resolving Edits
From: Harold Snyder <ENSNYDER -at- ECUVM1 -dot- BITNET>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 11:17:33 EDT


Back when I was on active duty with the US Marines, we used to call your
situation as being caught between a rock and a hard place (I've had to
clean up my Marine Corps talk since leaving :>).

Not being familiar with the "pecking order" and office politics at your
place, let me suggest that you talk to whomever is next in the chain of
command (presumably one of more authority that either you or that @#&!
engineer that's causing you all thse problems) and let them (the sage of
greater experience, authority, making more $$ earn all that dough) make
the decision. This assumes two things: first that you are willing to
allow your (and the engineer's) superior to make this decision, and
second that you are willing to abide by that decision. On the other
hand, you have two other options: first stand by your guns (Damn the
torpeodoes; full speed ahead) and be ready to explain your decision
should any waves develop, and second, the two of you can go out behind
the barn (and may the best man or s/he win--that's the way we used to
resolvee differences in the ol' corps).

Since this seems to be the first time in 12 years that this situation
seems to have surfaced, make sure someone (whom both you and all others
respect and will abide by) puts in writing a policy to deal with this
situation in the future).

Good luck and sempre fi,

Hal, who used to "swing with the Wing" but was a closet 03

+ Hal Snyder, Professor of English | Technical Editing; Business, +
+ Dept. of English (GCB 2115) | Scientific, and Technical Writing +
+ East Carolina University | ENSNYDER -at- ECUVM -dot- CIS -dot- ECU -dot- EDU +
+ Greenville, NC 27858-4353 | ENSNYDER -at- ECUVM1 or Voice 919/328-6669 +

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