TechWhirl (TECHWR-L) is a resource for technical writing and technical communications professionals of all experience levels and in all industries to share their experiences and acquire information.
For two decades, technical communicators have turned to TechWhirl to ask and answer questions about the always-changing world of technical communications, such as tools, skills, career paths, methodologies, and emerging industries. The TechWhirl Archives and magazine, created for, by and about technical writers, offer a wealth of knowledge to everyone with an interest in any aspect of technical communications.
> This is the most ludicrous, self-aggrandizing bunch of mumbo-jumbo I've
> heard. Maybe I think defecating on my hosts carpet is an appropriate
> to her serving soggy eggrolls. I thoughtfully and deliberately lower my
> trousers and proceed. To anyone who complains about my behavior, I tell
them to
> think about events all around us that are far more offensive: physical
> violence, deception, sloth, and excessive materialism. Does this justify
> behavior? Does it make it less rude?
Oh pleaase.. what a bunch of crap. If you don't hear any profanity in
anyone given day,then I would like to live on your rainbow.
> The whole thing is context. And my family and friends woul NEVER use that
> language in mixed company. EVER. If you used language like that in the
Hmmm.. so , do your friends and family KNOW you speak for them then?
> You have a ridiculously blinkered, narrow idea of your options. I don't
know if
> it is a failure of your intellect or your imagination, but you have not
> exhausted all the options. They go beyond obscenity, flowery language, and
> innuendo.
No.. perhaps, some people are offended. why is beyond me, as it wasn't
directed at them... the person who wrote the email in question, was just
being "normal" and honest. Who do you think you are, to comment on whether
or not this a failure of anything of the person? Sometimes, one is moved to
a point, whereby, tey must "vent". As long as it isn't directed at YOU, what
is wrong with it. Isn't this a list of "peers"? Well, I have always been
under the impresion that "peers", are there to help each other out and not
"pass judgement" based on their own personal principles. At least, in the
presence of my "personal peers", we do not pass judgement, but try and offer
our experiences, knowledge adn offer suggestion. It is OK to voice your
feelings and opinions, but don't make the mistake of feeling, you are
beyondrepraoach enough, that you can pass judgement on a person, because
they don't express themseslves the way you would. At least, not on this
Stuart Reynolds
First Impression Graphics
stuartr -at- firstgraphics -dot- com Manuals, Concepts, Design, Layout
Hard, Soft and GUI
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