Re: Senior TW vs. TW

Subject: Re: Senior TW vs. TW
From: "John P. Brinegar" <johnbri -at- PRIMENET -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1996 12:23:57 -0700

Karen Mayer wrote:

> I'm currently working as a TW after leaving a position as a Senior TW.
> The current position came with a raise, but I lost the "senior" title
> when I moved.

> My question to the group: in your company, how many years of experience
> are required before a writer can qualify for the "senior" title. Do you
> have titles above senior? If so, how much experience do they require?

Job titles vary greatly between employers. I know of no standard. "Senior"
in one company might be the same as "junior" in another.

I worked for years in an organization where everyone had the title
"information developer." There were grade levels, but they appeared only in
personnel files, not in the job titles.

I have known of titles above "senior." A fairly common one is "principal."
I've also seen "senior principal, " which was a step above "principal."

Also, years of experience don't necessarily relate well to grade levels. In
a well-managed enterprise, performance and accomplishment count more than

I suggest you don't worry about whether you are "senior" or not.


John P. Brinegar,
Consulting and development
-Performance support systems
-Technical communications

Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
(602) 278-7398
johnbri -at- primenet -dot- com

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