e-mail/email/mail--an alternative

Subject: e-mail/email/mail--an alternative
From: Thom Remington <remingtf -at- ENGG-MAIL -dot- LVS -dot- DUPONT -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 08:15:09 -0400

Why not just refer to mail?

"Send mail to thomas -dot- f -dot- remington -at- usa -dot- dupont -dot- com -dot- "

Hmmm. I wonder if he meant electronic mail or paper mail.

"Send mail to Thom Remington, N9442-1, 1007 Market Street, ....."

Gee.... Does he want that sent by electronic mail?

Electronic mail is relatively young, but it's gotten to the point, in my
life, where electronic mail is almost the only mail I get. I get techwr-l in
digest form, and that means one huge message a day. Even if I only count
that as one, and if I count the digests I get at home from the tandem
bicycling list as one each, I still get 15 or 20 pieces of mail
electronically for every one I get on paper.

Let the context - the address - determine what the mail is. If I ask you to
send me something and I provide a street address, that means I want paper
mail; if I provide a funky string with "@" in the middle, that means I want
electronic mail; if I provide both, I want you to do whatever you want.


Thom Remington thomas -dot- f -dot- remingon -at- usa -dot- dupont -dot- com
DuPont External Affairs
Information Design & Development
Speaking for myself, not for DuPont.

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