on-line help in Java applications

Subject: on-line help in Java applications
From: John Engler <jengler -at- SPILLMAN -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 10:21:01 -0600

Hey gang,

Our company is developing a Java application (our first) and I'm
wondering what the options for on-line help are (I know nothing about
Java--I still getting used to our first Windows application written in
Visual C++). We're using Robohelp for our Visual C++ application help
file, but Robohelp doesn't seem to support help files for Java
applications (at least it's not one of the development environments you
can choose). Anything anyone can tell me would be helpful. Thanks.

John Engler
jengler -at- spillman -dot- com
Spillman Data Systems
Logan UT

BTW, for all you who recall my proposed top ten lists, we did a modified
top six list in staff meeting, and it was a BIG HIT (i.e., lots of
laughs and lots of compliments).

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