Re: Bad Bosses List

Subject: Re: Bad Bosses List
From: Dianne Walsh <ldwalsh -at- VOICENET -dot- COM>
Date: Sun, 4 May 1997 13:06:30 -0400

At 11:57 AM 5/3/97 -0700, you wrote:
>A "bad" company can go to a good one practically overnight when the
>right manager leaves. I've seen it happen.
>Mike Johnson
>mikey -at- wasatch -dot- com
>. . . and vice versa, such as what recently happened at our company. Our
former manager, who supervised both QA and documentation, took another
position in the company. A new gal was brought in, and she's a horror! She
knows only a little about QA; nothing about documentation, yet she is
determined to show everyone who's boss and trusts none of us to do our jobs
without her dubious direction.

A recent interlude I had with her: she pulls me into her office and tells
me that if I want to earn a bonus this year, I have to write a style and
format standards manual. I looked her straight in the eye and informed her
that I had already done exactly that--last year. "Now gimme my bonus!" I
gloated, and walked out. Any new manager with an ounce of sense would have
checked with the employees about what's already been done before coming up
with extra "assignments." This is just one of several startling faux pas
that have occurred since she came on board just two weeks ago and I don't
expect things to get any better. The situation looks so hopeless that I am
once more casting about for new employment. If you can't beat 'em, quit!

Dianne Walsh
Dianne Walsh
Sr. Technical Writer
E-Mail: ldwalsh -at- voicenet -dot- com or: DianneW658 -at- aol -dot- com

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