Re: Bad Employers/Clients List

Subject: Re: Bad Employers/Clients List
From: Stephen Forrest <forrest -at- SMTP -dot- SHIMADZU -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 09:57:58 EST

> Date: Sat, 3 May 1997 18:13:17 +0300
> From: Maury <alsacien -at- IBM -dot- NET>

> A variation of the above is in the case in which the company
> employs a person of questionable qualifications and needs a "slave"
> to keep said questionable person in said position. In such a case,
> the "slave" ends up doing all the work but the questionable person
> gets the credit, at which point the "slave" gets fired for not being
> productive. A company that makes this a policy should be avoided,
> because it means that any prospective employee is at risk, no matter
> what level of position he/she assumes.

A very good list of examples. The only time in my life I was fired
from a job was in a situation very much like the one I have quoted
above. I had the misfortune to be working under one of the most
incompetent people I have ever met. (I was hired by an admirable man,
who left and was replaced by this incompetent woman.) I was in an
untenable position. I tried to bring the problem to the attention of
those who might be able to do something about it, and they shrugged
it off. I told them that, under the circumstances, I would be looking
for another job. I had given them an ultimatum, and they took me up
on it a few weeks later. I was so anxious to leave that I didn't
really mind. My replacement was gone within a month, and my
incompetent boss was gone a month after that. In addition, another
employee gave her notice two days after I left because of the way
they handled my case. It never ceases to amaze me the way companies
shoot themselves in the foot by treating their employees like crap.

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