Dev v. TW: report on Fri. mtg.

Subject: Dev v. TW: report on Fri. mtg.
From: "Wilcox, John (Contractor)" <wilcoxj -at- WDNI -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 12:42:00 -0700

Due to a lingering cold and this lingering issue, I was both literally
and figuratively sick and tired as I went into the meeting Friday
morning. So I wasn't at my best and probably didn't present my case as
well as I might have, but I think the outcome would not have been any

Those programmers who don't want to do documentation outnumber those who
do by a ratio of several to one, but many of them didn't show up for the
meeting (not unusual -- attendance at these biweekly staff meetings is
optional) and the programmer who is the most outspoken proponent of good
documentation (and was instrumental in getting me hired) was on
vacation. Those two programmers who brought up this issue work together
in an office of only five people in another city, and they were present
only via speakerphone.

First I had them summarize the issue for the sake of those who didn't
know yet. 1) They want to be able to get extra copies immediately
without going through me or anyone else. 2) They want to be able to
update the docs themselves. Then I presented what I believed to be the
logical solutions, which many people on the list helped me to formulate,
but I always felt that I was on the defensive. Basically, it was a case
of `Don't confuse me with the facts -- my mind is made up.' In the end,
logic was overcome by empowerment (with a capital E and that rhymes with
T and that stands for Trouble, right here in Cubicle City). (Hopefully
I'm not dating myself in vain and the connection to The Music Man will
not be lost.)

So, we will be buying Acrobat Exchange and I will be making all of my
docs available via the WWW or WAN. Then interested parties can download
and print to their heart's content. I'll also be making sure that
everyone has all the proper fonts. Beyond that, writing and formatting
updates will be in their hands.

Because logic and therefore quality occupy such a huge part of my
psyche, I always have a hard time letting go of things like this issue.
But I'm learing with the help of my wife. Her attitude is simply "Hey,
if people want to do stupid things, let 'em. You can't control them."
(Pretty logical, actually.)

If anyone has further questions, feel free to write.


John Wilcox, Documentation Specialist
Timberlands Information Services
Weyerhaeuser, WWC 2E2
Tacoma, WA 98477-0001
253-924-7972 wilcoxj -at- wdni -dot- com

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