Re: Good Client, Bad Client redux

Subject: Re: Good Client, Bad Client redux
From: Stephen Forrest <forrest -at- SMTP -dot- SHIMADZU -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 09:29:31 EST

Here's a new angle on the topic of an employer reference list. I
still think a simple list of companies with which list members have had
experience, with the members' names attached, is a good idea. It
occurs to me though, that it is unlikely a company I'm negotiating
with is going to be on the list. Within some reasonable period of
time, say two years, what are the odds some other techwhirler has
worked with that company? It might be more useful to compile a
collection of employment experiences, good and bad, without
identifying the companies involved. Each of us could contribute
strategies that worked well or situations that turned out badly, so
we could benefit by each others' experience. It would eventually
become a sort of negotiating guide for tech writers.

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