Re: Variations on my Word problem.

Subject: Re: Variations on my Word problem.
From: "Ridder, Fred" <F -dot- Ridder -at- DIALOGIC -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 12:45:46 -0400


Under the "Numbering" category in the Insert Field window, you'll find a
selection for SectionPages, which is just like the NUMPAGES field code
except that it counts pages in individual sections. Then use Insert
to put a section break between the title pages and the first page of
and you're home free. In fact, if you select "odd page" when inserting
the section break you don't have to explicitly force a blank page for
back side of the title page (I mention this because if you have a hard
page break and then insert a section break, you'll wind up with at least
one extra blank page when you print).

Fred Ridder
f -dot- ridder -at- dialogic -dot- com
Senior Technical Writer
Dialogic Corporation
Parsippany, NJ

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>-----Original Message-----
>From: Susan Brown [SMTP:sbrown -at- JSCSYS -dot- COM]
>Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 1997 11:12 AM
>Subject: Variations on my Word problem.
>Hi, Hi!!
> Thought I had it licked, but, as usual, I seem to be missing
> So, I have my footer Page # of [NUMPAGES}. However, this document
>(about 14 pages) has 2 pages at the front (title page and blank page
>following it), then the page numbering is set to start at 1. However, for
>numpages I get 16 (the total number of pages that get printed), rather than
>14 (the number of pages of actual text for the document). Being used to
>Frame, I thought that setting the starting page number for the section
>(defined as such in Word) would cause the internal page counter to be reset,
>but this is obviously not the case. (God, I miss Frame.)
> One person (Thanks, Janet R.) in her response to my previous
>question, suggested using Insert / Page Numbers - Format, but I end up with
>nothing but syntax errors.
> My sense is that I need to have Page # of NUMPAGES - 2, but don't
>know how to get this.
>Susan Brown
>JSC Systems Corp.

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