Variations on my Word problem.

Subject: Variations on my Word problem.
From: John F Renish <John_F_Renish -at- NOTES -dot- SEAGATE -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 11:52:02 -0500

Susan Brown sez:

So, I have my footer Page # of [NUMPAGES}. However, this document
(about 14 pages) has 2 pages at the front (title page and blank page
following it), then the page numbering is set to start at 1. However, for
numpages I get 16 (the total number of pages that get printed), rather than
14 (the number of pages of actual text for the document). Being used to
Frame, I thought that setting the starting page number for the section
(defined as such in Word) would cause the internal page counter to be reset,
but this is obviously not the case. (God, I miss Frame.)

Different tool, different techniques, and actually quite logical in this case
(even Micro$oft gets some of 'em right--numpages is for the document, not the
section). Click Insert: Field: SectionPages.

John_F_Renish -at- notes -dot- seagate -dot- com
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