SAT Scores?!

Subject: SAT Scores?!
From: Jennifer Kraus <jlkraus -at- AMETEKWATER -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 13:04:49 -0500

To be quite honest, I wouldn't want to work for a company that asked for SAT scores, and as a recent college graduate and packrat, I actually still have a record of mine. Unless the job is as a professional test-taker, I can't see how the ability to score high on the SAT would be a remotely useful thing for a recruiter to know. Some of the most intelligent, innovative, and hard-working people I ended up with average or below average scores on their SAT's because they either had an off day or were poor at taking those types of standardized tests. I also knew people who scored ridiculously high on their SAT's who were lazy or unable to think creatively to save their lives. I find it really hard to believe that scores on a test the applicant would have taken AT LEAST 5 years ago would sway a recruiter one way or another...and if they do, I would have to question the recruiter's professionalism.

(BTW, this is not a case of sour SAT-sponsored Natl Merit Scholarship paid my tuition for 4 years. No thanks to my score on the math part of the test:))

Jennifer Kraus
jlkraus -at- ametekwater -dot- com

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