Re: Radical idea

Subject: Re: Radical idea
From: "Mark L. Levinson" <mark -at- MEMCO -dot- CO -dot- IL>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 10:51:01 -0700

I've never seen a company where the writers were great comrades of
the trainers. The trainers are affable glad-handers who couldn't
care less about correct language. The writers are perfectionists
and loners. I don't know about support people, but if I understand
correctly, they have no time to waste finding an answer but all the
time they need to refine it if it's misunderstood or doesn't work,
whereas the writer's position is rather the reverse. It would be
a very fine thing to encounter the aptitude for all those jobs in a
single person, but you will probably find an imbalance of aptitude
in whomever you employ. They can benefit from being put into the
wrong jobs, but only if they have the right support.

I overgeneralize? Well, I'm sorry. How do you undergeneralize?
- Mark L. Levinson - Memco Software - PO Box 58161 - 61581 Tel Aviv
- work: mark -at- memco -dot- co -dot- il / tel. 03-6450049 / fax 03-6450001
- home: nosnivel -at- netvision -dot- net -dot- il / tel. 09-9552411 or 09-9555720

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