Re: Purpose of document review process?

Subject: Re: Purpose of document review process?
From: Richard Yanowitz <ryanowit -at- NYCT -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 10:19:12 -0400

Cf. Thomas Sprat's <italic>History of the Royal Society</italic> (c. 1666) calling for a language in which all
words correspond to things, and then see Book 3 of
<italic>Gulliver's Travels </italic>for parody of same (if it needed a

This kind of issue is an old, old debate--but no less entertaining for that truth. Keep the examples coming.

>I worked with a system administrator who wanted to take over the world
>so he could replace all written and spoken languages with a language
>that has a mathematical base, so it could be more precise and for some
>other reasons I can't remember. When I asked him about nuance and
>beauty, he looked at me strangely. He was just joking, of course...well,
>Well, 1753 6598 4651 to all of you.

Richard Yanowitz, NYC
ryanowitz -at- bigfoot -dot- com
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