Re: Re[2]: Frame imported graphics

Subject: Re: Re[2]: Frame imported graphics
From: Melanie Fielek <mfielek -at- INRI -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 09:46:51 -0400

On Fri, 16 May 1997, Don Smith wrote:

> Melanie wrote, in part:
> "When a graphic is hard-pasted in a document, it must be manually
> replaced each time it is changed."
> We have considered going to Framemaker (we purchased 4.0) and the
> issue is not dead yet. We now use Ventura 4.2 (and love it).
> Are you saying that in Frame, when you bring illustrations into the
> directory ("import"), you can *not* copy changed illustrations, with
> the same name, into the same directory and *automatically* update the
> illustrations? Even old fashioned Ventura accomplishes this.

Frame allows you two choices when you import a graphic:
* Import by Reference
* Copy into Document

If you choose to copy into document, then the graphic is pasted in
place. If you change the graphic, then you have to re-import it. Frame
essentially saves all the information for the graphic in the Frame
document at the time you import it.

If you choose to import by reference, then Frame simply remembers where
the graphic is. When you open the Frame document, Frame goes to that
location and displays whatever is there. So any changes you make to
that graphic is automatically referenced by Frame each time, with no
need to re-import it.

Frame is not the only program that does this. Word has this capability,
I'm pretty sure Interleaf does, and apparently Ventura does also.

Hope that was clearer! :^)

-- Melanie

Melanie J. Fielek, Tech Writer | Life is a banquet,
Inter-National Research Institute | and most poor suckers
mfielek -at- inri -dot- com | are starving.
1991 Honda Hawk 650GT - Marissa | -- Auntie Mame
-- All opinions are mine, _mine_, MINE! --

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