Re: Frame imported graphics

Subject: Re: Frame imported graphics
From: Jane Pilsworth <jane -at- HEALTHCARE -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 16:20:52 -0500

Dave Meek wrote:

[about copying graphics into the file]

>2) Small safety factor. Graphics cannot suffer accidental deletion >unless
>the doc suffers same, nor will they become separated or "lost".

We had a bad experience with referenced graphics that made us decide to
copy hundreds of screen captures back into the files.

I had just generated the index of a 500-600 page document and had many
chapter files open. We have Frame running on one machine, the files are
on another, and we use yet other machines for our workstations.

The person using the Sun workstation running Frame shut down the system
while I had the Frame files open. (The person had looked to see who was
logged in, but not what processes were running - I was running Frame on
my workstation using rsh but had not logged in to the remote machine.)

When Frame hung, I thought, "no problem, I'll just have to save the
.recover files." What I discovered instead was that all the graphics in
all the open files were no longer there! The properties for the graphic
showed no referenced file.

In frustration we called Adobe tech support and were told that
referenced graphics in an open file are kept in a temp directory that in
our situation got blown away when the system shut down. For some reason
that caused the reference to get blown away too.

Thank goodness we had backups of the screen captures! We chose to import
the graphics into the files instead of import them by reference again,
even though it does increase file size. BTW, I always rlogin to the
remote system to run Frame now :-)

Jane Pilsworth
Technical Writer
Healthcare Communications, Inc.

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