Working criteria (was Re: Fee disclosure

Subject: Working criteria (was Re: Fee disclosure
From: Esther Wheeler <esther -at- AZURE-TECH -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 12:51:43 -0600

Hi all -

I'd like to extend Win Day's criteria for a good job. I'm assuming this
discussion refers to direct employees, though certainly any of these
points are also plusses for contracting.

>I'll be happy working with a company in a particular position if any
two of
>the following three criteria are met:

>* I enjoy doing what I'm doing right now, at least for the most part.

Company "atmosphere" is one of those intangible necessities that fits
in here for me. Are the people (generally) reasonable and cooperative?
Is my work valued, or just a nuisance/roadblock?

>* I see a future in this job -- I'm learning new stuff, different
>are coming down the pipe, there's room for advancement.

Absolutely yes!

>*I'm being adequately and equitably paid.

Certainly. And I add:

* Flex time.

I don't consider this a minor point any more. Having kids has made
me realize that things can happen in the middle of a "regular" work
day that are just more important than being at your desk. If an
employer won't bend on work hours, I don't want to work there.
You don't have to be a parent to realize this, but it helps! Kudos
to my current company, which lets me arrange my schedule so I
can meet that big yellow bus every day.

>The perfect job meets all three. Less than two, and I'm outta there!

Three out of four for me -- and ditto!

- Esther

Esther Wheeler (esther -at- azure-tech -dot- com)
GN Nettest / Azure Operation

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