C++ Course

Subject: C++ Course
From: Jennifer Kraus <jlkraus -at- AMETEKWATER -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 11:34:57 -0500

I would be very interested in taking a programming class aimed at tech writers. I've been contemplating taking some intro programming classes at the local UW Extension, but as a English major who barely remembers the AP Calc I slogged through in high school, I'm wondering if my "mathematically challengened" status would put me at a disadvantage. Mostly, I don't want to spend money on a course I'm not sure I can use. A course that would address programming from a tech comm perspective sounds like a primo idea, and I'd take any class you taught...java, Visual Basic, you name it.

Jennifer Kraus
jlkraus -at- ametekwater -dot- com
Ametek Water Filters
Sheboygan, WI

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