STC Book Reviewers: Please Contact Me!

Subject: STC Book Reviewers: Please Contact Me!
From: Avon Murphy <amurphy -at- WLN -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 07:16:32 -0700

If you are a current or potential _Technical Communication_ book reviewer,
please read this message carefully. I returned from the Toronto STC
conference to find that my computer system had crashed. The only critical
information not backed up was roughly two months of mail messages.

This mishap will hit some of you hard. In particular, if you've recently
sent e-mail to inquire about reviewing, I may not have had time before the
conference to enter your name and other details into the database. Also,
if youve e-mailed a review in April or May, there's a possibility that it,
too, has evaporated, even if the database says I received it.

Action requested: If paragraph 2 may apply to you, can you please contact
me at once? Just to be sure nothing more gets lost as I conclude the
restoration process, why don't you mail your information to two addresses:
amurphy -at- wln -dot- com
a-avonmu -at- microsoft -dot- com

(And a noncommercial thank-you goes out to Hewlett Packard for
manufacturing fine tape backup systems [fine especially if you use them
conscientiously] and Gateway 2000, who immediately replaced a motherboard
and a hard drive at no charge.)

Thanks to everyone,

Avon Murphy
Book Review Editor
_Technical Communication_
1234 Firpark Drive SE
Lacey, WA 98503

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