Screen vs. Window -Reply

Subject: Screen vs. Window -Reply
From: Lisa Comeau <COMEAUL -at- CSA -dot- CA>
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 15:56:02 -0400

A window, as far as my documentation and I are concerned, is the initial screen of a windows-based application. For example, when you start MS Word, the initial screen you see that you type your document in with a Title bar, menu bar, toolbars and document "window" is a window. Any other "window-like" appendages you see when you make menu selections are dialog boxes, because they facilitate a dialog between you and your computer.

A screen is the actual visual portion of the monitor on which you view windows.

Of course, not being one to let a pun go by, a window is what you open to let the air in while making sure the screen is closed to let the bugs out. :-)

Lisa Comeau
IS Super-User/Trainer
Certification and Testing Division
Canadian Standards Association
Rexdale, ON
comeaul -at- csa -dot- ca

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